
Nauri is a modern village situated in the downstream section of the Third Cataract where the Nile makes a sharp eastward turn. The site is of historical interest mainly because of the so-called Nauri Decree of Seti I. This is a rock inscription in the shape of a large stela which is cut halfway up the eastern of two inselbergs close to the river bank. The decree details regulations which Seti I, a pharaoh of mid New Kingdom date, issued to provide for his mortuary temple at Abydos in Middle Egypt. The decree has been copied onto the rock in Nauri because it primarily concerns estates and resources of the Abydos temple which were located in the region of Nauri.

At the foot of the mountain there are other badly preserved rock inscriptions of New Kingdom date.

Touren, die an diesem Ort vorbei führen
Sudan Spezial

Ägypten in Nubien

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